28 Aug 2015

Lottie Makes a Friend. Sort of.

Lottie:  Hi, I'm Lottie Crew!  Who are you?   Dorothy?

Riley:  My name is not Dorothy.  It is Riley O'Reilly.

Lottie:  You know, your dog looks like a slinky.

Riley:  You know, your chicken looks dead.

Lottie:  (long pause) Riley O'Reilly is kind of a weird name.

Riley:  At least is doesn't rhyme with "snotty".

Lottie Makes a Friend.  Sort of.

Lottie Crew may enjoy Trix and a good mystery story, but Riley O'Reilly prefers historical fiction and Puffed Wheat.

Riley's Summer Reading

Lottie Plans Her Next Move:

OK, Wubba.  She has been sitting there all day reading "Little House in the Prairie" and eating Puffed Wheat.  I think we should go ask her if she wants to play.

Lottie Plans Her Next Move.

Lottie Tries Again:

Lottie:  Hi Riley O'Reilly.  Want some Trix?

Riley:  I don't eat sugary cereal.  That stuff will kill you.

Lottie:  Oh.  Want to play "Spy Girl"?

Riley:  I'm not really into "Spy Girl".  I'm more into "Pioneer Girl".

Lottie:  Oh.  Well, you could go fetch water from the river and I could keep watch from the tree with my binoculars!

Riley:  OK.  But Lottie, don't get eaten by a mountain lion before I get back.

Lottie Tries Again.

26 Aug 2015

Meet Riley.

It quickly became obvious that Lottie needed a friend.  So, enter Zinochika!

A bit strange looking out of the box, but I got to work and a few days later she became Riley!


The question is, will she get along with Lottie?

Lottie Gets Into Trouble.

She is a bit impulsive.  I have to keep my eye on her.

OK Wubba, if we poke small holes in the wall with the screwdriver, Mom won't even notice.  And then we will find the Hidden Staircase!

Lottie Crew, Girl Detective

You know what Wubba?  I think Mom's gonna notice these holes.  Nancy never had problems like this.  We'd better eat some Trix while we figure out what to do.

The Aftermath (Lottie Crew, Girl Detective, Part 2)

25 Aug 2015

More About Lottie.

It didn't take long for Lottie's personality to emerge.

Some days it is just too hot to do much other than sit under a tree with some books and eat sugary cereal from the box.

Too hot for much.

Wubba, we have to be very, very quiet!  Mom said she saw some bunnies out here in the back yard.  If we see them we can lure them over with the Trix!

Shhh, listen for the bunnies!

24 Aug 2015

We have Blythe!

I have been very negligent about keeping up my blog over the summer!  There are quite a few new pictures over on my Flickr though.  But the big news is that I now have a Blythe doll!  Well, actually, I have 2.  Because the first one needed a friend.  I have been generally aware of Blythe for several years, but never caught the bug.  A couple of months ago I started reading about customizing them, and decided I really wanted to try it.

My 2 dolls are Takara Blythes "Country Summer" and "Zinochika".  Country Summer came first and is named "Lottie".  Zinochika is named "Riley".  I see them as about 8 years old.

Both doll have had their faces sanded, carved and repainted.  I also gave Lottie a pretty extensive haircut.  Both have had their original bodies replaced by Azone Pure Neemo XS bodies, which have more articulation than stock bodies and look more like little girls.

Here is Lottie's "Before and After" picture.

Country Summer Before and After

And here she is meeting Woody.  She finds the tiny cowboy's enthusiasm a tad off-putting!

Lottie finds the tiny cowboy's enthusiasm a tad off-putting.